A Game Changer for End Flare Investigation: Your New Visualization Tool in COPRA FEA RF

You do not want to compromise on product quality? You are striving for the perfect design, always searching for ways to improve?

Our new tool in COPRA FEA RF will be a total Game Changer for you.


It’s a well-known fact, that roll forming induces residual stresses which are released during the cutting process of the profile. This causes the profile ends at the cut-off to undergo additional deformation called “end flare”.

With COPRA FEA RF you have the possibility of simulating this effect since years, but what is new now and makes the difference for you, our simulation engineer Johann Harraßer will tell you in this 10-minutes conference session.

You will see how easy it became to visualize geometrical differences between the profile before and after the cutting process by aligning and comparing the geometries. Aligning can be done by the user with a view clicks or by just using the automatically calculated orientation. Besides the qualitative comparison of the geometries, the possibility of displaying the geometrical distance quantitatively improves the end flare investigation a lot. This will be a game changer for your roll design.

At the end of the presentation, we are happy to answer your questions during our Q&A session.


  • Johann Harraßer 

    first started his career in 2000 with an apprenticeship as metal worker (construction technology). Later he studied mechanical engineering at the TU in Munich where he graduated from in 2011 as Dipl.-Ing. In the same year Johann joined our team as simulation engineer. In this role he covers numerous tasks such as software development (COPRA FEA RF), simulation of special processes (welding, wire rolling), he works in development projects for the digitalization of RF equipment, CAE based design of 3D RF systems, commissioning of 3D RF systems and application of COPRA RF and COPRA FEA RF within service projects. Johann also participates regularly in technical conferences in the field of sheet metal forming and roll forming and runs trainings and workshops for our clients.