Processing AHSS Steel: Final workshop of FLATBEND project

An innovation-driven mindset has been our growth engine ever since data M started as a TUM spin-off. Strong customer relationship is another key component for our success. We listen to our customers’ needs and develop technology that really is and will be needed.
One important challenge that the industry is facing at the moment, for example, is processing of Advanced High Strength Steel (AHSS). TIER1s and OEMs need to understand how upstream processes influence the final forming and cutting operations.
Therefore, our diverse team of simulation experts, roll forming and sensor technology experts joined forces in the European project FLATBEND with partners from both academia and industry: Mondragon Unibertsitatea, Fagor Arrasate S. Coop., ArcelorMittal, Faurecia, Ekide Group.
The project’s objective has been to boost the productivity of the AHSS forming processes by developing disruptive roll leveling techniques and new model-based control strategies for forming facilities, taking into account material fluctuations and initial residual stresses of the precuts.
The topic (among others) covered by the team from data M is a new sensor for the laser measurement of roll formed or stamped profiles. This project has received funding from the European Union's under the European Union's Research Fund for Coal and Steel research program, funding scheme RFCS-RPJ (Research project 800730).
On November 19 the consortium will host a webseminar and present the main results and products developed during the last 3 years. Get in touch with speakers like Lander Galdos, Elena Silvestre from Fagor Arrasate and program coodinator, Alberto Izaguirre Altuna or Thomas Dietl and Albert Sedlmaier from the consortium companies as well as Anastasios Tsakalidis and Ludmila Sarbu from European Commission who will give a welcome note.
Please register for free here:
Through cooperation in international R&D projects we have always been at the forefront in our niche market roll forming. It’s this kind of projects and interdisciplinary cooperation through which we can bring our customers to the forefront of new developments.